Cloud Transformation

What is Cloud Transformation

Put simply, Cloud transformation is the process of moving your workload to the cloud, including migration of apps, software programs, desktops, data, or an entire private data center in alignment with the business objectives of the organization.

Cloud is just but a platform that enables a business to be more agile and responsive. For cloud transformation, however, the change must start internally and touch on every aspect of the organisation. Most organisations are under the notion that shifting their on-premise IT infrastructure to a cloud service provider like AWS or Azure equals cloud transformation.

What are the challenges

How can Cloud Transformation benefits an organisation

Cloud transformation gives organisations the ability to quickly consume the latest technology, rapidly adapt to the changes, and provide better responses to market needs. All these objectives can be achieved through:

Agility : Cloud transformation allows businesses to rapidly consume new technologies and resources and efficiently apply them to market conditions.

Innovation : Cloud transformation, inspires a learning culture that tolerates failure and thereby allows employees to be more expressive and creative to try new things, test new products and fail forward.

Cost Optimisation : Cloud transformation allows organisations to accurately measure their investment against key value chains and thereby determine if a particular investment is feasible and optimal in line with their profit and loss.

Recruiting Top Talents: Cloud transformation pushes an organisation to look beyond the traditional pool of talents. This ensures that the employees can take on the transformative organisation culture and evolve with the business by demanding improvement in everything that they do.

Latest Cloud Computing Trends

  1. Massive Growth
  2. Increase in Storage Capacity
  3. Cheaper Storage Solutions
  4. Server-less Cloud Computing
  5. Cloud-Based Container Systems
  6. Internet of Things (IoT)
  7. 5G Networks

What we do

Cloudaims can help you with your toughest Cloud Challenges

  1. How do you get the most out of the cloud?
  2. How do you ensure security and compliance in the cloud?
  3. Do you lift-and-shift or re-architect your workloads?
  4. How do you transition your organisation to cloud-native ways of working?
  5. How do you onboard your teams and give them the skills they need?
  6. How do you bring your business with you on your cloud journey?

Our Cloud Services

Cloud transformation gives organisations the ability to quickly consume the latest technology, rapidly adapt to the changes, and provide better responses to market needs. All these objectives can be achieved through:

Cloud Migration Solutions : We offer cloud migration services that span across all software spectrum from assessment, planning, execution, integration phases. We accelerate cloud adoption using our years of domain experience and expertise.

Cloud-native transformation: With our cloud-native expertise, CloudAims helps customers implement and support cloud native applications and services and make businesses truly digital.

Cloud Managed Services : We are the Managed Service Provider (MSP) to help businesses design, migrate, operate and enhance cloud infrastructure and data on various cloud platforms. We provide end-to-end managed cloud services and cloud operational designs. We offer an integrated approach to support single, multiple or hybrid cloud environments. 

Cloud Security Services: We offer the security assessment against standard cloud security benchmarks. We will assess the environments to check security gaps, threats and provide recommendations to resolve the gaps.